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- Collection: Wyckoff Planning and Zoning Collection
Tyrone Township Master Plan
The Tyrone Township Master Plan was prepared by the Livingston County Planning Department and was adopted by the Tyrone Township Planning Commission on June 11, 1985.
Ludington Comprehensive Plan
The Ludington Comprehensive Plan was prepared by the Ludington Planning Commission with assistance from the West Michigan Regional Planning Commission in 1987.
Bear Lake Village Zoning Map
The Bear Lake Village Zoning Map was prepared by the Manistee County Planning Department on July 17, 2019.
Copemish Village Master Plan 2018
The Copemish Village Master Plan 2018 was prepared by the Manistee County Planning Department and adopted by the Village of Copemish Planning Commission on September 12, 2018.
Copemish Village Zoning Map
The Copemish Village Zoning Map (Draft) was prepared by the Manistee County Planning Department on January 23, 2019.
City of Manistee Zoning Map
The City of Manistee Zoning Map was prepared by the Manistee County Planning Department and was updated on October 4, 2019.
2020 Manistee Township Master Plan
The 2020 Manistee Township Master Plan was prepared by the Manistee Township Planning Commission with assistance from the Manistee County Planning Department and was approved by the Township Board on December 9, 2021.
Leelanau General Plan
The Leelanau General Plan for Leelanau County was prepared by Mark A. Wyckoff, AICP, Mark A. Eidelson, AICP, and Planning & Zoning Center, Inc. The following provided assistance: Timothy J. Dolehanty, Duane C. Beard, Trudy J. Galla, General Plan…
Comprehensive Plan
The Comprehensive Plan for Ishpeming Township was prepared by the Marquette County Planning Commission in September 1978.
Village of Sebewaing Master Plan
The Village of Sebewaing Master Plan was prepared by the Master Plan Steering Committee with assistance from the Delta Institute and was approved on November 1, 2018.
Master Plan
The Master Plan for the City of Flat Rock was prepared by McKenna Associates, Incorporated In January 1990.
Master Plan
The Master Plan or the City of Walled Lake was prepared by McKenna Associates, Incorporated with transportation analysis provided by Ann Arbor Planning Associates in consultation with McNamee, Porter & Seeley and was adopted on April 10, 1990.
Midland County Comprehensive Plan
The Midland County Comprehensive Plan was prepared by the Midland County Planning Commission with the assistance of the Department of County Development and the WBDC Group Consultants in July 1987.
Milan 2010 Master Plan
The Milan 2010 Master Plan was prepared by the Milan 2010 Master Plan Committee and the Milan Planning Commission, with assistance from Vilican-Leman & Associates, Inc., in June 1991.
Official Zoning Map of Bath Charter Township, Clinton County, Michigan
The Official Zoning Map of Bath Charter Township, Clinton County, Michigan was prepared by Miles Roblyer and was approved by the Township Supervisor on August 30, 2022.
Vergennes Township Master Plan
The Vergennes Township Master Plan was prepared by Miller Associates in 1989.
General Development Plan
The General Development Plan for Monitor Township, Bay County was prepared by the Monitor Township Planning Commission with the support of the Monitor Township Board and the assistance of Williams & Works, Inc. in November 1976.
Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Agricultural Component
The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update, Agricultural Component was prepared in May 1985 by the Monroe County Planning Department.
Montcalm County General Plan
The Montcalm County General Plan was prepared under the direction of the Montcalm County Planning Commission by the Planning & Zoning Center, Inc. in July 2006.
General Development Plan 1990-2010
The Mt. Morris Charter Township General Development Plan 1990-2010 was prepared by the Mt. Morris Township Planning Commission with assistance from the Genesee County Metropolitan Planning Commission circa 1992.
City of Muskegon Heights Master Plan
The City of Muskegon Heights Master Plan was prepared by the Muskegon Heights Planning Commission and was adopted on August 31, 1989.
Village of Eastlake Master Plan and Recreation Plan
The Village of Eastlake Master Plan and Recreation Plan was prepared by the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments in February 2012.
Master Plan Update
The Master Plan Update 1986-2000 for Oakfield Township was prepared by the Oakfield Township Planning Commission with the assistance of J. Paul Jones in 1986.
East Bay Township Zoning Ordinance
The East Bay Township Zoning Ordinance was prepared by the Office of Planning and Zoning and was amended through May 23, 2022.