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- Collection: Summers in Saugatuck-Douglas Collection
The Ox-Bow Inn
Black and white photograph of the nineteenth century landmark building known as "The Ox-Bow Inn" located at the center of the Ox-Bow grounds in Saugatuck, Michigan. The historic inn is known as the heart of the campus and is nestled among the trees…
The Paton Ladies
Photograph of Esther Paton Eddy, Elizabeth Trevarrow Paton (mother) Barbara Paton Eddy and Dorothy Paton in front of the R. G. Eddy cottage on Lakeshore Drive.
The Pie Pan Washer
A black and white photo of the pie pan washer, which is being operated by two women i white dresses. The caption reads: "Designed by Lloyd J. Harriss and built to his specifications this machine does the most thoorough washing and sterillizing job…
The Sound of Music playbill
Playbill for the Red Barn Theatre's production of The Sound of Music. On the back is an announcement for the following production of My Fair Lady.
The Studio Buildings at Ox-Bow
Black and white photograph of a man walking toward wooden buildings that appear to be the studios of Ox-Bow "Summer School of Painting" in Saugatuck, Michigan. The buildings are partially obscured by several large windswept trees and the water of…
The Tunnel of Love playbill
Playbill for the Red Barn Theatre's production of The Tunnel of Love. On the back is information about the following production, Enter Laughing.
The Unsinkable Molly Brown playbill
Playbill for Red Barn Theatre's production of The Unsinkable Molly brown. On the back is an announcement for the following production of Harvey.
The Village Street, Saguatuck Michigan postcard
Black and white photograph postcard of a commercial street with several parked cars, circa 1955.
The Weather Girls
Advertisement flier for a singing group called "The Weather Girls" performing at Douglas Dunes Resort on Saturday, May 21. The year of the event is unknown, but they were promoted as singing their hit "It's Raining Men" and other songs for the…
The Wizard of Oz
An advertisement in The Observer that announces the show dates of the 63rd Street Productions' staging of The Wizard of Oz. It also provides ticket information and information about the director of the show.
The Woods and Plummers on the beach
Photograph of Pat Woods and Joyce Plummer watching Frank Woods and Ben Eddy working on a kayak.
The Woods family
Photograph of Pat and Frank Woods stand at Beech-Hurst with daughter Kathy (in Pat's arms) and son Mike.
The Woods, Plummers and Brighams
Photograph depicts Joan Brigham playing with her children and nieces/nephews. Slightly ahead of them is Dave Brigham digging in the sand with a toy truck behind him.
Theatre Veteran, 90
An article from The Commercial Record/Resorter titled "Theatre Veteran, 90, Shares Red Barn Memories" which was published to honor the 90th birthday of Mary Ann Curtis. It includes part of her story "Remembrances of the Red Barn," which was written…
Three gentlemen at Oval Beach
Photograph of three young men at Oval Beach who appear very blurry due to the picture being out of focus. A lifeguard tower is in the background and the man in the middle is holding a camera. The handwriting on the back of the photograph reads:…
Three rowboats
Black and white photo of three teams of rowboats. Each boat has several people in it, each with their own ore. In the front boat, a man sits on the helm, and in the back boat, there is someone standing.
Three young women sitting on a car at the beach
Three young women sitting on the trunk of a car parked at Oval Beach in Saugatuck, Michigan. Two women are wearing large sunglasses, while the woman with her hair in pigtails has hers perched on her forehead. They are smiling at the camera and the…
Toadville 1963
A color photo of a group of three men and two women seated around two tables. Beer bottles and glasses sit on the table, and two of the men hold cigarettes. The back side of "Toadville 1963." It reads: "Noel, Mary, Leo, Joan & Vince" in the top, and…
Tom Fosdick, part 1 (audio interview and transcript) 2018
The first part of a longer interview, Tom Fosdick discusses early memories about the Saugatuck-Douglas area. He describes his time at the Old Schoolhouse and playing with his friends on the school properties.
Tom Fosdick, part 2 (audio interview and transcript) 2018
The second part of his interview, Tom Fosdick describes his experiences with the school system and playing sports. He also discusses summer jobs, cross-state school trips, and his family and their role as school janitors. He also explores changes to…
Tomahawk, Vol. 1 No. 1
Tomahawk was the student newspaper of Sagutuck High School. It contains editorials, stories, poems, and information about extracurricular clubs and events.
Tomahawk, Vol. 1 No. 10
Tomahawk was the student newspaper of Sagutuck High School. It contains editorials, stories, poems, and information about extracurricular clubs and events.