Browse All 210 Items

  • Collection: Incunabula
Go to Opera [folium 175] item page

One leaf from Opera by Johannes Gerson. Printed in Cologne by Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, in 1483-1484. [GW 10713; ISTC ig00185000]
Go to Vitae XII Caesarum [folium 174] item page

One leaf from Vitae XII Caesarum by Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus. Printed in Bologna by Benedictus Hectoris on April 5, 1493. [GW M44198; ISTC is00825000]
Go to Sermones Discipuli de tempore et de sanctis cum promptuario exemplorum et miraculis Beatae Mariae Virginis [folium 173] item page

One leaf from Sermones Discipuli de tempore et de sanctis cum promptuario exemplorum et miraculis Beatae Mariae Virginis by Johannes Herolt. Printed in Nuremberg by Anton Koberger in 1494. [GW 12378; ISTC ih00119000]
Go to Mathesis (De nativitatibus libri VIII) [folium 172] item page

One leaf from Mathesis (De nativitatibus libri VIII) by Julius Firmicus Maternus. Printed in Venice by Aldus Manutius, Romanus, in June and October 1499. Edited by Franciscus Niger. [GW 9981; ISTC if00191000]
Go to Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura [Italian]. Specchio di coscienza [folium 171] item page

One leaf from Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura [Italian], Specchio di coscienza, by Antoninus Florentinus. Printed in Milan by Christophorus Valdarfer circa 1470-1471. [GW 2171; ISTC ia00848000]
Go to Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura [Italian]. Specchio di coscienza [folium 170] item page

One leaf from Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura [Italian], Specchio di coscienza, by Antoninus Florentinus. Printed in Florence by Don Ippolito for Giovanni di Nato circa February 24, 1479/1480. [GW 2154; ISTC ia00850000]
Go to Epitomata, seu Reparationes totius philosophiae naturalis Aristotelis [folium 169] item page

One leaf from Epitomata, seu Reparationes totius philosophiae naturalis Aristotelis, by Gerardus de Harderwyck. Printed in Cologne by Heinrich Quentell on February 29, 1496. [GW 10674; ISTC ig00168000]
Go to Historia naturalis [folium 168] item page

One leaf of Historia naturalis by Gaius Plinius Secundus and edited by Philippus Beroaldus. Printed in Venice by Marinus Saracenus on May 14, 1487. Illustrated in blue rubricated initials. [GW M34333; ISTC ip00795000]
Go to Lumen animae [folium 167] item page

One leaf from Lumen animae by Berengarius de Landora and edited by Matthias Farinator. Printed in Strassburg by the Printer of the 1481 "Legenda Aurea" on March 22, 1482. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. [GW M16917; ISTC ib00341700]
Go to Psalterium [folium 166] item page

One leaf from Psalterium, edited by Bruno, Episcopus Herbipolensis [Würzburg]. Printed in Würzburg by Georg Reyser not after 1489. Illustrated with red rubricated initals. [GW M36219; ISTC ip01046000]
Go to Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [folium 165] item page

One leaf from Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia by Jacobus de Voragine. Printed in Ulm by Conrad Dinckmut in 1488. Illustrated in red rubricated initals. [GW M11311; ISTC ij00121000]
Go to Sermones de tempore et de sanctis [folium 164] item page

One leaf from Sermones de tempore et de sanctis by Peregrinus. Printed in Ulm by Johann Zainer not after 1479. Illustated with red rubricated initals and illustrated with hand drawn arm and hand. [GW M30917; ISTC ip00267000]
Go to Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia [folium 163] item page

One leaf from Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia by Jacobus de Voragine. Printed in Ulm by Johann Zainer not after 1477. Illustrated with red rubricated initals. [GW M11313; ISTC ij00088400]
Go to Sermones quadragesimales de legibus dicti [folium 162] item page

One leaf from Sermones quadragesimales de legibus dicti by Leonardus de Utino. Printed in Ulm by Johann Zainer on March 9, 1478. Illustrated with red rubricated initals. [GW M17922; ISTC il00146000]
Go to Lectura in Johannem Duns Scotum super libro primo Sententiarum Petri Lombardi [folium 161] item page

One leaf from Lectura in Johannem Duns Scotum super libro primo Sententiarum Petri Lombardi by Paulus Scriptor. Printed in Tübingen by Johann Otmar on March 24, 1498. [GW M30260; ISTC ip00206000]
Go to Opera [folium 160] item page

One leaf from Opera by Cyprianus. Printed in Stuttgart by the Printer of the “Erwählung Maximilians” circa 1486. Illustrated with red rubricated initals. [GW 7887; ISTC ic01014000]
Go to Opera [folium 159] item page

One leaf from Opera by Johannes Gerson. Printed in Strassburg by Martin Flach (Printer of Strassburg) in 1494. Illustrated with red and blue rubricated initals. [GW 10717; ISTC ig00189000]
Go to De laudibus Mariae [folium 158] item page

One leaf from De laudibus Mariae by Albertus Magnus. Printed in Strassburg by Martin Flach (Printer of Strassburg) in 1493. [GW 0061610; ISTC ia00248000]
Go to Scripta super quattuor libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi [folium 157] item page

One leaf from Scripta super quattuor libros Sententiarum Petri Lombardi by Thomas de Argentina and edited by Pallas Spangel. Printed in Strassburg by Martin Flach (Printer of Strassburg) in 1490. [GW M46615; ISTC it00343000]
Go to Biblia latina [folium 156] item page

One leaf from Biblia latina, printed in Strassburg by Johann Prüss in 1489. Illustrated with red rubricated initals. [GW 4265; ISTC ib00588000]
Go to Liber Discipuli de eruditione Christifidelium [folium 155] item page

One leaf from Liber Discipuli de eruditione Christifidelium by Johannes Herolt. Printed in Strassburg by Jacob Eber circa 1483. Illustrated with red rubricated initals. [GW 12328; ISTC ih00093000]
Go to Comoediae [folium 154] item page

One leaf from Comoediae (Cum directorio vocabulorum, glossa interlineari, et commentariis Donati, Guidonis, et Ascensii) by Publius Terentius Afer. Printed in Strassburg by Johann (Reinhard) Grüninger on November 1, 1496. Woodcut illustration on…
Go to Corona B.M.V. [folium 153] item page

One leaf from Corona B.M.V., printed in Strassburg by the Printer of Paludanus circa 1485. Illustrated with red rubricated initals. [GW 7572; ISTC ic00922000]
Go to Speculum naturale [folium 152] item page

One leaf from Speculum naturale by Vincentius Bellovacensis. Printed in Nuremberg by Anton Koberger not after December 13, 1481. Illustrated with red and blue rubricated initals. [GW M50625; ISTC iv00293000]

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