Browse All 210 Items

  • Collection: Incunabula
Go to De laudibus Mariae [folium 158] item page

One leaf from De laudibus Mariae by Albertus Magnus. Printed in Strassburg by Martin Flach (Printer of Strassburg) in 1493. [GW 0061610; ISTC ia00248000]
Go to Flores astrologiae item page

Flores astrologiae by Albumasar. Printed in Venice by Johannes Baptista Sessa circa 1500. Quarto. [ISTC ia00358000]
Go to Destructorium vitiorum [folium 123] item page

One leaf from Destructorium vitiorum by Alexander Carpentarius. Printed in Nuremberg by Anton Koberger on September 20, 1496. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. [GW 867; ISTC ia00393000]
Go to Epistolae [folium 2] item page

One leaf of Epistolae by S. Ambrosius, with additions by Georgius Cribellus. Printed in Milan by Leonardus Pachel on December 18, 1490. [GW 1600; ISTC ia00552000]
Go to Summa theologica [folium 118] item page

One leaf from Summa theologica (Partes I-IV; with Molitoris tabula, i.e. pt. V) by Antoninus Florentinus. Printed in Nuremberg by Anton Koberger in 1486-1487. Illustrated with red and blue rubricated initials. [GW 2189; ISTC ia00875000]
Go to Chronicon [folium 119] item page

One leaf from Chronicon (Partes I-III) by Antoninus Florentinus. Printed in Nuremberg by Anton Koberger on July 31, 1484. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. [GW 2072; ISTC ia00778000]
Go to Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura [Italian]. Specchio di coscienza [folium 170] item page

One leaf from Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura [Italian], Specchio di coscienza, by Antoninus Florentinus. Printed in Florence by Don Ippolito for Giovanni di Nato circa February 24, 1479/1480. [GW 2154; ISTC ia00850000]
Go to Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura [Italian]. Specchio di coscienza [folium 171] item page

One leaf from Confessionale: Omnis mortalium cura [Italian], Specchio di coscienza, by Antoninus Florentinus. Printed in Milan by Christophorus Valdarfer circa 1470-1471. [GW 2171; ISTC ia00848000]
Go to Summa theologica [folium 190] item page

One leaf from Summa theologica by Antoninus Florentinus. Printed in Nuremberg by Anton Koberger in 1477-1479. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. [GW 2186; ISTC ia00871000]
Go to De censuris ecclesiasticis, sive de excommunicationibus. De sponsalibus et matrimonio. [folium 198] item page

One leaf from De censuris ecclesiasticis, sive de excommunicationibus, De sponsalibus et matrimonio, by Antoninus Florentinus. Printed in Venice by Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen on September 23, 1474. Illustrated with red Lombard initial…
Go to Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio [folium 111] item page

One leaf from Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio by Antoninus Florentinus. Printed in Memmingen by Albrecht Kunne in 1483. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. [GW 2097; ISTC ia00811000]
Go to Postilla super evangelia dominicalia per circlum anni cum quadragesimali [folium 96] item page

One leaf from Postilla super evangelia dominicalia per circlum anni cum quadragesimali by Antonius de Parma. Printed in Cologne by Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, in 1482. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. [GW 2248; ISTC ia00914000]
Go to Opuscula [folium 12] item page

One leaf of Opuscula by Thomas Aquinas and edited by Antonius Pizamanus with a life of St. Thomas. Printed in Venice by Bonetus Locatellus for Octavianus Scotus in 1497. [GW M46033; ISTC it00257000]
Go to Sermones [folium 84] item page

One leaf from Sermones by Aurelius Augustinus with additions by Sebastian Brant. I: Sermones ad heremitas; II: Sermones de verbis Domini; III: Sermones de verbis apostoli; IV: Sermones in epistolam Johannis; V: Quinquaginta; VI: Sermones de tempore;…
Go to De civitate dei [folium 104] item page

One leaf from De civitate dei by Aurelius Augustinus. Printed in Freiburg im Breisgau by Kilianus Piscator (Fischer) in 1494. [GW 2890; ISTC ia01246000]
Go to Explanatio psalmorum [folium 179] item page

One leaf from Explanatio psalmorum by Aurelius Augustinus. Printed in Venice by Bernardinus Benalius on August 4, 1493. [GW 2910; ISTC ia01273000]
Go to Opuscula [folium 28] item page

One leaf of Opuscula by Aurelius Augustinus. Printed in Strassburg by Martin Flach in 1491. Illustrated with red and blue rubricated initials. [GW 2868; ISTC ia01221000]
Go to Catholicon [folium 148] item page

One leaf from Catholicon by Johannes Balbus. Printed in Strassburg by the Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner) not after June 30, 1482. Illustrated with red rubricate initals. [GW 3186; ISTC ib00024000]
Go to Summa de casibus conscientiae [folium 55] item page

One leaf of Summa de casibus conscientiae by Bartholomaeus de Sancto Concordio. Printed in Augsburg by Günther Zainer not after July 19, 1475. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. [GW 3453; ISTC ib00172000]
Go to Speculum doctrinale [folium 11] item page

One leaf of Speculum doctrinale by Vincentius Bellovacensis. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. Printed in Strassburg by The R-Printer (Adolf Rusch) circa 1478. [GW M50560; ISTC iv00278000]
Go to Lumen animae [folium 167] item page

One leaf from Lumen animae by Berengarius de Landora and edited by Matthias Farinator. Printed in Strassburg by the Printer of the 1481 "Legenda Aurea" on March 22, 1482. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. [GW M16917; ISTC ib00341700]
Go to Repertorium iuris utriusque [folium 192] item page

One leaf from Repertorium iuris utriusque by Johannes Bertachinus. Printed in Lyons by Johannes Siber on June 23, 1499. Folium was used to bind Aegidies [A113]. [GW 4159; ISTC ib00501000]
Go to Sermones [folium 23] item page

One leaf of Sermones by Gabriel Biel and edited by Wendelin Steinbach. Printed in Tübingen by Johann Otmar for Fredrich Meynberger in 1499-1500. [GW 4340; ISTC ib00662000]
Go to Sermones de tempore et de sanctis [folium 105] item page

One leaf from Sermones de tempore et de sanctis by S. Bonaventura. Printed in Hagenau by Heinrich Gran on January 9, 1496. Illustrated with red rubricated initials. [GW 4815; ISTC ib00952000]

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