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  • Subject is exactly "Social justice"
Go to Young Lords quiz item page

Young Lords history quiz
Go to Young Lords history (English), 1993-1994 item page

History of the Young Lords Organization.
Go to Young Lords history (Spanish), 1972 item page

"Breve Historia de la Organizacion de los Young Lords." Spanish language history of the Young Lords Organization.
Go to I Am a Revolutionary with Young Lords and Black Panther logos banner item page

Young Lords and Black Panther Party banner reading "I am a revolutionary!" and "Chairman Fred Hampton" and featuring the Black Panther and Young Lords logos.
Go to Manuel Ramos Y Pancho Lind and Young Lords Logo banner item page

Poster reading "Manuel Ramos Y Pancho Lind" in large lettering below the Young Lords logo.
Go to Young Lords logo poster item page

Poster featuring the Young Lords logo of a raised fist holding a rifle. The phrase "Tengo Puerto Rico en mi Corazon" is arched above the image.
Go to Ideology of the Young Lords Party, 1972 item page

Document detailing the ideology of the Young Lords Organization, including the history of Puerto Rican war, economic, and military struggles, colonization, and contemporary society.
Go to Luis "Tony" Baez video interview and transcript item page

Luis "Tony" Baez arrived in Chicago from Barrio Borinquén of Caguas, Puerto Rico in 1969 and soon became Minister of Education of the Young Lords. In Puerto Rico, Dr. Baez was also active with the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP), the electoral…
Go to Gender Justice House: A Social Justice Community item page

Information sheets on living at this house.
Go to Intersections Ambassadors: Student Social Justice Educators item page

Flyer inviting second year students and beyond to apply to become an ambassador. Points the group believes in are incldued on one side.
Go to Re-envisioning the Revolutionary Body  item page

Poster with a synopsis on the topic, and information of the event, including the place, time and date. One of the 2011 events of the LGBT OnGoing Conference series.
Go to Organize! Organize! Organize!  item page

Poster with a synopsis on the topic, and information of the event, including the place, time and date. One of the 2011 events of the LGBT OnGoing Conference series.
Go to Center "Regulars" topic of discussion in Lanthorn! item page

Flyer with Lanthorn article the center was going to have a discussion on.
Go to Change U: The Revolution Will Not Be Funded Poster item page

Poster with the dates of the events.
Go to Change U: The Revolution Will Not Be Funded item page

Flyer with the all of the dates, times, locations and sesssion titles of the program.
Go to Change U: Social Justice Training Poster item page

Poster with the dates of the events for the fall semester.
Go to Change U: Social Justice Training item page

Flyer with the all of the dates, times, and sesssion titles of the program. The program ran from 2015 to 2016.
Go to Change U: Confronting Structural Violence Poster item page

Poster with the dates of the events.
Go to Change U: Confronting Structural Violence item page

Flyer outlining the program's mission, dates, and sessions.
Go to Change U item page

Flyer inviting people to enroll in the revolution by taking part in the Change U series.
Go to Change U item page

Flyer inviting people to enroll in the revolution by taking part in the Change U series.
Go to Change U item page

Flyer outlining the program's mission and dates. This is a flyer for events occuring during the winter semester.
Go to Change U Poster item page

Poster with text stating different social justice issues that could be discussed in the series.
Go to Change U: Change the World item page

Pamphlet detailing the social justice training series for the 2012 winter semester and inviting everyone to apply for it.

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