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Go to Awareness and Gratitude item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on November 21, 1999 entitled "Awareness and Gratitude", on the occasion of Pentecost XXVII, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Psalm 100:3, Psalm 65:11, Psalm 8:4.
Go to Awestruck and Stammering item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on May 3, 1992 entitled "Awestruck and Stammering", as part of the series "From Proclaimer To the One Proclaimed", on the occasion of Eastertide III, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture…
Go to Baptism: A Sign of Belonging item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on June 19, 1994 entitled "Baptism: A Sign of Belonging", on the occasion of Pentecost IV, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Genesis 17:7, 13, Acts 2:39.
Go to Baptism: Your Ordination to Ministry item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on October 16, 1988 entitled "Baptism: Your Ordination to Ministry", on the occasion of Shared Ministry Sunday, Pentecost XXI, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Ephesians…
Go to Baptized into Christ: Called to Maturity item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on May 21, 1995 entitled "Baptized into Christ: Called to Maturity", on the occasion of Eastertide V, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Luke 24:51, Ephesians 4:15.
Go to Baptized, Claimed and Called item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on March 1, 1998 entitled "Baptized, Claimed and Called", as part of the series "The Human Face of God", on the occasion of Lent I, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Isaiah…
Go to Beyond Duty to Delight item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on November 23, 2000 entitled "Beyond Duty to Delight", on the occasion of Thanksgiving Day, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: I Chronicles 29:9, 29:22, 9:7.
Go to Beyond National, Ethnicity and Creed item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on July 1, 2001 entitled "Beyond National, Ethnicity and Creed", on the occasion of Independence Day Weekend, Pentecost V, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Psalm 33:10-17,…
Go to Beyond Our Fondest Dreams  item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on May 1, 1988 entitled "Beyond Our Fondest Dreams ", as part of the series "The Lord's Servant Community", on the occasion of Eastertide V, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references:…
Go to Beyond Our Fondest Dreams item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on June 16, 1991 entitled "Beyond Our Fondest Dreams", on the occasion of Pentecost IV, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Ephesians 3: 20.
Go to Beyond Our Wildest Dreams! item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on June 18, 1995 entitled "Beyond Our Wildest Dreams!", on the occasion of Pentecost II, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Isaiah 40:28-31, Ephesians 3:20.
Go to Beyond Reason: Discovery in Worship and Mission item page

A sermon given by Richard A. Rhem (Dick) on January 19, 1997 entitled "Beyond Reason: Discovery in Worship and Mission", on the occasion of Epiphany III, at Christ Community Church, Spring Lake, MI. Scripture references: Isaiah 49:6b, John 1:9.
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