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  • Subject is exactly "Portrait photographs"
Go to Jan Termaat, 1967 item page

Portrait photograph of Jan Termaat.
Go to Nicolaas Pieter Jan Termaat, 1956 item page

Portrait photograph of Nicolaas P. J. Termaat
Go to Nicolaas Pieter Jan Termaat, 1953 item page

Portrait photograph of Nico Termaat, January 1953.
Go to Nicolaas Pieter Jan Termaat, 1951 item page

Portrait photograph of Nicolaas Pieter Jan Termaat (b. 1942).
Go to Pieter N. Termaat item page

Portrait photograph of Pieter N. Termaat. He is wearing a plaid suit jacket and striped necktie.
Go to Jacob Balder, 1940 item page

Portrait photograph of Jacob Balder, circa 1940. Balder was Pieter Termaat's comrade in arms in underground activities and was executed in Dunes in 1944.
Go to Vader Schuurman, 1937 item page

Portrait photograph of Vader Schuurman in uniform.
Go to Nicholas P. J. Schuurman, 1934 item page

Portrait photograph of Nicholas P. J. Schuurman (b. 1890). Nicholas is photographed wearing a dark suit jacket and necktie.
Go to Adriana B. Schuurman, 1934 item page

Portrait photograph of Adriana B. Schuurman (b. 1916). Adriana is photographed in profile, and is wearing a dark dress, necklace, and glasses.
Go to Cornelis B. Termaat and Hendrika Harms wedding photo, 1913 item page

Wedding portrait of Cornelis Barend Termaat and Hendrika Harms, March 13, 1913.
Go to Listje Hennipman, circa 1911 item page

Portrait photograph of Listje Hennipman, wearing a dark dress with her hand resting on the back of a chair.
Go to Neeltje Termaat (1886-1975), circa 1910 item page

Portrait photograph of Neeltje Termaat wearing a dark dress and hat with a white feather and holding gloves. Neeltje was the unmarried daughter of Aris Termaat (b. 1832) and Neeltje De Jong (b. 1847).
Go to Neeltje DeJong (1847-1930), circa 1908 item page

Portrait photograph of Neeltje DeJong (1847-1930), circa 1908. Neeltje was the second wife of Aris Termaat (b. 1832), and the mother of Maartje Van Egmond nee Termaat (b. 1877), Adriana Termaat (1879-1952), and Neeltje Termaat (1886-1975).
Go to Adriana Termaat (1879-1952), circa 1908 item page

Portrait photograph of Adriana Termaat (1879-1952) dauther of Aris Termaat (b. 1832) and Neeltje DeJong (b. 1847), taken by J. W. Besyn in Alkmaar, circa 1908.
Go to Berend Harms (b. 1898), circa 1907 item page

Portrait photograph of Berend Harms (b. 1898), circa 1907.

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