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  • Subject is exactly "Otsego County (Mich.)"
Go to Zoning Ordinance of the City of Gaylord item page

The Zoning Ordinance for the City of Gaylord has 45 pages and 21 sections. There is no date associated with this ordinance.
Go to City of Gaylord Water System Study Master Plan item page

The City of Gaylord Water System Study Master Plan was prepared by Capital Consultants, Inc. in January 1994.
Go to Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Gaylord, Michigan item page

The Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Gaylord, Michigan amendments went into effect March 14, 1991.
Go to City of Gaylord Streets Master Plan 1991 Amendment item page

The City of Gaylord Streets Master Plan 1991 Amendment was prepared by Capital Consultants, Inc. in October 1991.
Go to Gaylord Sign Ordinance item page

The Gaylord Sign Ordinance went into effect on February 16, 1992 and was amended effective March 14, 1993.
Go to City of Gaylord 1990/1995 Recreation Plan item page

The City of Gaylord 1990/1995 Recreation Plan was prepared by the City of Gaylord Planning Commission and was adopted on June 14, 1990.
Go to Preliminary Report Comprehensive Plan item page

The Preliminary Report Comprehensive Plan for the City of Gaylord was prepared by Harland Bartholomew and Associates in September 1965.
Go to Municipal Standards for the City of Gaylord item page

The Municipal Standards for the City of Gaylord were prepared by Capital Consultants, Inc. in 1992.
Go to Meeting Minutes and Materials item page

The Meeting Minutes and Materials comprises of meeting minutes from the Gaylord Zoning Board of Appeals, the Gaylord City Planning Commission, and the Gaylord City Council, from 1993-1994. Included are forms related to items discussed in the…
Go to Comprehensive Plan item page

The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Gaylord was prepared by Hardland Bartholomew and Associates in May 1966.

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