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  • Subject is exactly "Newspapers"
Go to Financial District, New York City, NY item page

Black and white photograph of a group of men of varying ages wearing business attire while gathered along the steps of a Financial District building in New York City, New York. Scanned from the negative.
Go to Financial District, New York City, NY item page

Black and white photograph of a group of men of varying ages wearing business attire while gathered along the steps of a Financial District building in New York City, New York. Scanned from the negative.
Go to Lenox Hill Camp, Bantam Lake, CT item page

Black and white photograph of various groups of senior citizens seated outside together at Lenox Hill Camp at Bantam Lake in Litchfield, Connecticut. In the foreground, two older women are seated together while enjoying the view and reading the…
Go to Coney Island Boardwalk item page

Black and white photograph of two older men seated while reading the newspaper outside in Coney Island, New York. Scanned from the negative.
Go to Galley Gazette newspaper item page

Galley Gazette newspaper highlighting news stories and menu items from Coral Gables of Saugatuck, Michigan. The articles highlight different aspects of the iconic downtown location such as the impact the business had on the community, as well as its…
Go to Newspaper clipping, "The Press State Page," Saugatuck Sea Scouts on Mt. Baldhead item page

Newspaper clipping from the Press State Page with picture of the Saugatuck Sea Scouts standing on the stairs up Mt. Baldhead, as well as articles on local changes, surrounding the school, signs being replaced, and driver reform. December 18, 1957

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