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  • Subject is exactly "Macon (Ga.)"
Go to Georgia. Macon Lamar mounds item page

Black and white lantern slide of the two Lamar mounds near Macon, Georgia.
Go to Georgia. Macon Lamar ramped mound item page

Black and white lantern slide of the Lamar ramped mound near Macon, Georgia.
Go to Georgia. Macon Mound C item page

Black and white lantern slide of a mound with a shelter constructed over it near Macon, Georgia.
Go to Georgia. Macon large mound item page

Black and white lantern slide of a large mound near Macon, Georgia, looking southwest.
Go to Georgia. Macon mounds item page

Black and white lantern slide of mounds near Macon, Georgia, taken from a large mound looking northwest.

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