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- Subject is exactly "Italy"
Looking south from tower over Via di Mercurio
Black and white photograph looking south from a tower over Via di Mercurio, Pompeii, Italy.
House of Pansa
Black and white photograph of Robert H. Merrill standing in the House of Pansa between two walls with columns in the background. A sign on the right side of the frame reads "DOMVS CN ALLEI NIGIDI MAI."
Southest Pompeii Foro Triangolare
Black and white photograph of Robert H. Merrill standing between a stone wall and columns in the Triangular Forum at Pompeii.
Looking east on via dell'Abbondanza
Black and white photograph looking east on via dell'Abbondanza. The image shows the statue of Marcus Holconius Rufus. Robert H. Merrill is visible standing on the right side of the frame.
Frigidarium Stabiae Women's baths
Black and white photograph of the frigidarium of the women's baths in the extinct city of Stabiae.
Stabiae Men's baths
Black and white photograph of Robert H. Merrill sitting in the ruins of baths in the extinct city of Stabiae.
Calidarium Stabiae baths
Black and white photograph of Robert H. Merrill sitting in the ruins of baths in the extinct city of Stabiae.
Pompeii Villa dei Misteri Station
Black and white photograph of the railway station at the Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii. The building is behind railroad tracks with hills in the background.
Black and white photograph of the Serapeum ruins in Italy. A circle of columns in a lake is visible in the center of the frame with buildings visible in the background.
Arco Felice
Black and white photograph of the Arco Felice near Pozzuoli. A man in a horse-drawn cart is visible in the foreground with the Arco Filice arch in the background.
Cumae wine carts
Black and white photograph of three men next to wine carts on a narrow dirt path near Cumae.
Baja Temple of Venus
Black and white photograph of a north view of the Baja Temple of Venus. People are visible walking outside of the temple.
Pozzuoli Serapeum
Black and white photograph of a southwest view of the Pozzuoli Serapeum ruins. Columns in the middle of a lake are visible in the center of the image with a building in the background.
Pozzuoli Amphitheater Interior
Black and white photograph of a northeast view of the Pozzuoli Amphitheater interior. A building is visible in the background.
Solfatara Boca Grande
Black and white photograph of the Solfatara di Pozzuoli volcano fumerole "Boca Grande." A group of people is visible to the right of the Boca Grande. One person is standing in front of the Boca Grande, and a building is visible on the right side of…
Square at Sorrento
Black and white photograph of the town square at Sorrento. Groups of people are walking around the square, and buildings are visible in the background.