Browse Items (35 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Drawings"
Go to Pech Merle cavern painting of dappled horses item page

Black and white lantern slide of Paleolithic cave paintings of dappled horses and hand prints from Pech Merle cavern.
Go to Reindeer--Font-de-Gaume item page

Black and white lantern slide of a Paleolithic reindeer mural from Font-de-Guame.
Go to Relief of horse and bison item page

Black and white lantern slide of a Paleolithic relief carving of a horse and bison from Roc de Sers Caves, France.
Go to Rhinoceres tichorinus--Font-de-Gaume item page

Black and white lantern slide of a Paleolithic rhinocerous tichorinus mural from Font-de-Guame.
Go to Sculptured frieze Le Roc, Charente item page

Black and white lantern slide of a Paleolithic frieze of animals from Roc de Sers Caves, France.
Go to Section of Amethyst Mountain, Yellowstone Park item page

Black and white lantern slide copy of a sketch cross-section of Amethyst Mountain in Yellowstone National Park, from an unknown source.
Go to Stag heads carved on bone baton Laugerie-Haute item page

Black and white lantern slide of a sketch of a Paleolithic reindeer antler baton carved with stag heads from Laugerie-Haute.
Go to Superposed mural figures--Font-de-Gaume item page

Black and white lantern slide of a sketch of Paleolithic bison murals from Font-de-Guame.
Go to Wild boar Altamira item page

Black and white lantern slide of a Paleolithic drawing of a wild boar from Altamira.
Go to Wolf's head Font-de-Gaume item page

Black and white lantern slide of a Paleolithic wolf head mural from Font-de-Guame.
Go to Wounded bison Niaux cavern item page

Black and white lantern slide of a Paleolithic drawing of a wounded bison from Niaux cavern.
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