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- Source is exactly "Digital file contributed by Jerri Walsh as part of the Stories of Summer project."
Young woman standing on a road leading to Lake Michigan
Photograph of a solitary woman standing on a road with Lake Michigan in the distance. The photograph is in black and white and she is holding a purse while wearing her summer attire.
Group gathered near the Saugatuck sign
Photograph of a group of young people gathered next to the Saugatuck sign. They are leaning on a rope fence with bicycles waiting nearby.
Woman standing in front of a white house
Photograph of a solitary woman standing in front of the camera and smiling at the photographer. A white house and trees frame her from the background.
Group of five women standing arm in arm
Black and white photograph of a group of five women standing with their arms around one another and smiling at the camera. with houses and trees in the background.
Young couple boating on Lake Michigan
Photograph of a young couple out on a speedboat on Lake Michigan. The young man is driving the boat and turning back smiling while the woman on the right side of the picture is lighting a cigarette. Through the rear-view mirror you can see additonal…
Young couple on Memorial Day Weekend
Photograph of a young couple smiling at the camera and wearing sunglasses with their arms around one another. The handwriting on the front of the picture says "Mem. Day, May '68." The handwriting on the back of the photograph says: "Saugatuck…
Group of young people on the beach
Photograph of a group of five young adults with their arms arround one another and smiling at the camera. They are sitting in the sand on the side of a dune with beachgrass in the background. The handwriting on the top of the photograph says: Mem.…
Crowd watching a man climb a pole on the beach
Photograph of a beach full of people watching a man climb a wooden pole in the distance.
Crowded beach full of people
Photograph of a crowded beach with clusters of people on the sand and exploring the dunes.
Crowded beach on Memorial Day
Photograph of a crowded beach next to a large dune covered in beachgrass. The handwriting on the photograph mentions it's Memorial Day.
Man climbing a wooded pole among the dunes
Photograph of a group of young people surrounding a man as he climbs a wooden pole that appears to be a tree trunk. They are gathered in excitement among the dunes and there are drifting clouds in the distance.
Man wearing a beret
Photograph of a man in a beret, wearing all gray, and leaning against a blue car parked on the street. The handwriting on the picture reads "Labor Day."
Group of young women standing outside Metzger's
Photograph of a group of seven women standing in front of Metzger's with a sign that reads "Rooms for Rent." The handwriting on the photograph lists the date as 4th of July '68.
Group of young women smiling on a bed
Photograph of a group of young women standing on a bed with their arms around each other and smiling at the camera. They are wearing floral dresses and their suitcases and other belongings are propped among them. The handwriting on the photograph…
Group of young women smiling on a bed
Photograph of a group of young women standing on a bed and smiling at the camera. They are wearing floral dresses and giving each other bunny ears. Their suitcases and other belongings are propped among them. The handwriting on the photograph…
Young man lying on the beach
Photograph of a blond young man at Oval Beach in Saugatuck, Michigan. He is wearing sunglasses and striped swim trunks while lying down on a beach towel amongst other beachgoers. In the photo he is looking toward the camera with a half-smile.
Street view of Coral Gables and The Old Crow
Photograph of Coral Gables and The Old Crow located in downtown Saugatuck, Michigan. A crowd of young people are standing outside the establishment and parked cars are lining the street.
Hazy view of a young woman seated on porch steps
Photograph of a young woman sitting in front of a white house in downtown Saugatuck, Michigan. The house appears to be located next door to 'Round the Corner Ice Cream Shoppe. She is sitting with a clutch in hand and her legs crossed, but her…
Young woman standing in front of 'Round the Corner Ice Cream Shoppe
Photograph of a young woman, Colleen James, standing in front of the 'Round the Corner Ice Cream Shoppe entrance. She is wearing a brown button down shirt and smiling at the camera.
Sidewalk view of 'Round the Corner Ice Cream Shoppe
Photograph of two young people walking toward the 'Round the Corner Ice Cream Shoppe, located in Saugatuck, Michigan. The photo is taken from the sidewalk at a distance with the left side of the building and its hand-painted sign in view.
Restaurant overlooking Kalamazoo Lake
Photograph of Coral Gables restaurant overlooking Kalamazoo Lake in downtown Saugatuck, Michigan. The picture is taken from the back rightside of the restauraunt, which appears to be completely filled as there are individuals waiting outside. The…
Street view of Coral Gables and The Old Crow
Photograph of Coral Gables and The Old Crow located in downtown Saugatuck, Michigan. A crowd of young people are standing outside the establishment and parked cars are lining the street.
Three young women sitting on a car at the beach
Three young women sitting on the trunk of a car parked at Oval Beach in Saugatuck, Michigan. Two women are wearing large sunglasses, while the woman with her hair in pigtails has hers perched on her forehead. They are smiling at the camera and the…
Gathered Crowd on the Beach
Photograph of a large crowd standing on the beach and gathering in anticipation at Oval Beach in Saugatuck, Michigan. There are clouds in the sky and the sun is shining bright for a day at the beach. The handwriting at the top of the picture says…