Nanking, Hankow, Changsha, and Nanchang, 1937-1938
Time-stamped scene list: 00:00 Chinese buildings and museum of history. 00:15 Chennault and a Chinese officer on steps in front of a building. P. Y. Shu walks to camera in front of a building. Chennault and Colonel Lee Hwei Don, who was evaluated from Nanking. 00:45 View of ocean. Chinese refugees. View of residential area. 01:07 Hankow harbor and city in snow in 1938. A clock tower (Hankow custom house). 02:40 People set off firecrackers. Crowd in front of the clock tower. View of Hankow Harbor by the Yangtse River. 06:05 British flag on ground (British international section). Black smoke rises from a city on the other side of the shore. Aerial shot of a city. 07:09 A group of military personnels on a field. Chennault with 2 pilots of the International SQ. 7:30 Smoke rises from a crashed plane in a airfield. Pilots watch the accident. Airfield construction in Hankow. Chinese workers. 08:00 Chennault and pilots on an airfield. Training planes in the air. Landing planes. A plane hid under straw. Chennault listens to Chinese pilots talking about flight experience. Crews work on a training plane. Johnny Allison and International pilots. 8:40 Chennault in a cockpit of training plane. Black smoke rises from a distant city. 09:17 Funeral of American soldiers. 10:10 A German pilot with Chinese sign (blood chit) on his jacket. Funeral of soldiers. Chennault among the pall bearers. 10:45 Building and campus of a junior high school. Grave stones. School buildings. P.Y. Shu's mother in front of a building in Chang Shia, Hunan province. 11:43 P. Y. Shu carried in a basket. An old Chinese man and a Chinese officer. 11:50 View of a valley in Hankow. P.Y. Shu in front of a building. 12:19 Wreckages of a training plane.
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