Plein Air Painting with Oxbow Club
Saugatuck-Douglas Chamber of Commerce
Black and white photograph of a group of men painting outside as part of the Oxbow Club. It appears to be a warm and sunny summer's day as they are all wearing hats and one of the men in the foreground has his shirt tied around his waist. There is writing on the back of the picture but it is too faint to be legible. Underneath the faint writing there is a stamp which reads: "Chamber of Commerce, Saugatuck, Douglas." In the bottom left-hand side there is a stamp which reads: "Joe Armstrong, Allegen, Michigan."
Grand Valley State University. University Libraries. Lemmen Library and Archives
Stories of Summer (project)
Armstrong, Joe, “Plein Air Painting with Oxbow Club,” Digital Collections, accessed January 30, 2025,