B'nai Israel Temple, “Hassadah Buds Charter certificate,” Digital Collections, accessed March 6, 2025, https://digitalcollections.library.gvsu.edu/document/41384.
Hassada Buds Charter certificate, September 1952. Text reads: "Be it hereby known by all present that the following are chartered as founding members of the Hadassah Buds of Muskegon by the parent chapter of Muskegon Hadassah for the purpose of developing an understanding of the spirit of the Jewish people and of assisting in the realization of Jewish aims. Sandra August, Nancy Klayf, Lynn Cheolin, Carol Parker, Marion Greenberg, Raleigh Radoff, Phyllis Greenberg, Judy Siegel, Marlyn Stein. This fifteenth day of September 1952. President: Ruth Krause