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Kaufman Interfaith Institute (exhibitor)

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The Holy Quran holds a special place in my life as a practicing Muslim. Revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by God, it serves as the center of my faith and a constant source of guidance. Each day, I strive to deepen my understanding of its teachings, which encompass all aspects of life—from matters of faith and practice to moral conduct and interpersonal relationships. Its verses offer invaluable lessons on how to be a better human being, addressing topics ranging from personal conduct and familial relationships to societal ethics and religious obligations like prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and marriage. This photo captures the essence of the Quran's first lesson, which begins with praise for God and a plea for His guidance—a ritual that forms an integral part of my daily life and spiritual journey. This first lesson is recited in all the prayers, which total 17 obligatory units spread out over five times a day, a practice I faithfully observe.

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