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Kaufman Interfaith Institute (exhibitor)

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Lord Ganesha welcoming customers at the entrance of an Indian restaurant in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is a beautiful representation of the cultural significance of this deity in Hinduism. Lord Ganesha, also known as Ganapati or Vinayaka, is the elephant-headed god revered as the remover of obstacles and the god of wisdom. The restaurant has displayed a stunning image of Lord Ganesha, which instantly catches the eye of anyone who enters. The intricate details of the statue, the vibrant colors, and the serene expression on his face create an aura of positivity and auspiciousness. The elephant head represents wisdom, strength, and the ability to overcome obstacles, while the large ears symbolize the importance of listening and understanding. The broken tusk represents sacrifice and the ability to use knowledge for the greater good. It reminds me of the warmth and love of my family in India.

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