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Chennault, Claire Lee, 1893-1960

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P.Y. Shu

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Film in black and white and color taken by Chinese Air Force Interpreter P.Y. Shu (no sound). The footage was recorded by Shu as he traveled with Col. Claire Chennault to aid the Chinese Air Force in training and establishing the American Volunteer Group (AVG). The footage documents Shu's travel and family as well as Chennault's and the AVG's activities during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Time-stamped scene list: 00:07 (black and white film) Travel by train, passing river boats. 01:00 Canton street scenes and architecture. 01:20 Shu family affairs. 01:34 Street scenes and double decker trolleys. 01:47 Aerial views of Hong Kong. 02:29 Railroad tracks and trains. 02:52 Hong Kong views from the water. 03:48 Arriving in port with views of steamers. 04:03 Hong Kong street scene. 04:16 Passenger ferry on the water. 04:27 Hong kong views from the water. 04:49 China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) Headquarters exterior. Street scene with double decker trolleys. 6:30 Scenes along the coast and at the water. 08:14 (color film) Texaco emblem and neon signs at night. 09:00 (black and white film) Landscape views along coast. 09:42 Family at the beach. 11:22 (color film) Family at the beach. 11:37 (black and white film) Street scenes. The Kowloon Hotel marquee.

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Fei Hu Films research and production files (RHC-88)