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Schaub, Gayle (interviewer)

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Wild, Elyse

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Interview with Elyse Wild conducted by Gayle Schaub and Cara Cadena for the GVSU Libraries' Connected Exhibit, displayed in September 2016. Edited clips of interviews accompanied watercolor portraits of students and an interactive watercolor activity for exhibit visitors. Elyse, 28, just finished her first year at GVSU. A freelance writer in Grand Rapids, editor for The 3288 Review and owner of a personal biography service called Your Story, Elyse also works as the managing editor at the Richard M. And Helen DeVos Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) in the Seidman College of Business. She is majoring in journalism and minoring in German. After dropping out of high school and taking classes at GRCC in her early twenties, Elyse looks at education differently than she once did. She is a highly motivated, successful student who, after graduating, plans to pursue a master’s degree in journalism and someday, ride a motorbike through Vietnam.

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University Libraries. Connected exhibit files